Death Leap…
“Death Leap”
Le documentaire “DEATH LEAP” de Edward Porembny traite de l’aspect moins touristique et quelque peu sordide du fameux pont Golden Gate Bridge à San Francisco. Or, il existe un “tourisme suicidaire” relatif à l’icône Golden Gate Bridge. Bref, le Bridge est l’endroit de prédilection pour les suicidaires romantiques.
Ce documentaire a été tourné en 1999. Durée : 50’30”
Directeur de la photographie : Tomasz Cichawa
This film is spectacularly beautiful, a surrealistic interplay between post-card charm and dark menace. It is a personal, original view – sometimes tragic, sometimes ironic – of the jumpers and would -be jumpers, their families and other people whose lives are affected by their actions. As with any human story, there are many moments of black comedy in this glimpse of the dark side of the American dream. (Source: porembny.com)
A documentary about “Jumpers” from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Selected for the 15th Film Festival of Independent Cinema in San Francisco and Freaky Film Festival in Illinois. Co-production MBC, Arcadia Pictures and Carlton International. Aired on BY TV USA, Cineplex Thailand, Channel 4 Finland and Canal+ Poland.
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